Top 10 trends towards floating cities: Koen Olthuis at TEDxVilnius TEDx Talks 16:11 10 years ago 51 779 Далее Скачать
TEDxVilnius - Koen Olthuis - Top 10 trends Towards Floating Cities Waterstudionl 16:11 10 years ago 14 784 Далее Скачать
TEDxWarwick - Koen Olthuis - Floating City Apps.flv Waterstudionl 13:34 12 years ago 5 384 Далее Скачать
Koen Olthuis at 1Vandaag about sustainable floating neighborhood Schoonschip Waterstudionl 5:23 5 years ago 474 Далее Скачать
Koen Olthuis Waterstudio.NL on Mega enginering at sea Discovery Channel Waterstudionl 6:05 14 years ago 3 367 Далее Скачать
Architect Koen Olthuis and the New Water project English version Waterstudionl 8:38 12 years ago 2 095 Далее Скачать
A blueprint for city improvement: Koen Olthuis at TEDxUHasselt TEDx Talks 15:49 11 years ago 743 Далее Скачать
SFR Swiss television features Koen Olthuis and Schoonschip Waterstudionl 2:34 4 years ago 538 Далее Скачать